Dear University...

Image depicting Nottingham Trent's University campus with the caption 'Dear University...' over it.
Dear University...
I'm scared of you because you're the unknown. You're in a new city and I'll be there with loads of people I don't know.
What if I don't like you? What if I pick the wrong course? I'll be stuck with you or risk losing a lot of money! No one in my family has been to University and haven't even thought about you as an option...
I have, though. My teachers are saying I should go, that I could do really well. I don't like school much, though, so I don't know if I want to carry on studying. Maybe I should just get a job straight out of college.
I want to know what you're like from people that have really been through the experience themselves.

We at SCCO (Schools, Colleges, Community Outreach) partnered up with Peterhouse College (Cambridge University), Magdalen College (Oxford University) and the University of Nottingham to create the event that we called DEAR University.
DEAR University took place on Nottingham Trent University's City Campus and was a chance for around 120 Year 10 students a taste of ten different University subjects.
This was an opportunity for them to gain a bit of insight into what studying at University is actually like and also ask any questions they like to our current students.
We have picked out some of the advice our current students gave about their time at University. They definitely put a lot of the Year 10's minds at rests so perhaps these could help you too!
Rachel studies Broadcast Journalism and has found University as a very positive experience...
Rachel Mlota loves University because she gets so much support and it has helped her figure out her strengths and weaknesses.
 Amy studied International Relations and wasn't sure if University was for her because she didn't like school...
...and Matt made a really good point that we think you should all remember...
"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change." Matt Madej

We hope that this is helpful in offering you a little insight into what was discussed at DEAR University. It was a pleasure to team up with the other Universities and we hope that the students who attended benefited from the it. 

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