Our Family Supper 2015 (#FamSup15)

...Continued from part one.

How do I Pay?
SAM's from NTU and UoN
Any loan – tuition and / or maintenance – that the student has taken out will have to be paid back after the student has graduated and is earning above a specific wage, currently this is £21,000 per year before tax. The repayments are taken straight out of a student’s wage at the same time as tax and national insurance as the loan is linked to the individuals national insurance number. As this is a loan there interest applied to it. All outstanding monies will be written off after 30 years.

How does the uni spend my money?
So where does the £9,000 go? The tuition fee from each student goes into the running of the university they attend. This may be partially into wages, services such as catering and the estate itself with the repair and refurbishment of buildings and facilities. 

Ask a SAM session in progress
At one NTU Family Supper a family asked;
The building looks great – how recently was it refurbished?
The answer is recently and currently. NTU have been undertaking a refurbishment of our whole estate, across all three sites, over the last 10 years. This has been aided by the rise in tuition fees in line with feedback from students suggesting that as they are paying higher tuition fees they expect a better standard of facility. This is something reflected in most HE institutions.

What next?
The Family Supper events are for pupils in Year 10 and their families, for these pupil’s university seems like a long way off! The first aim should be achieving 5 good GCSE’s grade A*-C including English, Maths and Science. Regardless of whether an individual goes to university these are important for employment. Students should then consider what Post-16 options will give them the greatest chance of success and not limit their options for university – Drama, Art and Music A-Levels will not get you onto a Medicine course for example. Researching entry requirements early may be beneficial if an individual has a strong career goal to prevent the need for resitting qualifications later on.

Which uni is best?
How do you choose a course or university? Some universities run courses that lead onto careers, Primary Education to be a Primary School Teacher, whilst other courses are more transferable. It may be that only one university offers the course a student want to study or that a student has a preference to live by the coast or in a city and so limits their HE search to universities in those geographic areas. The choice is entirely that of the individual.

NTU or UoN?
Family Supper welcome presentation
Is there much rivalry between Nottingham and Nottingham Trent?
The answer is YES! In our Varsity Series. This is an inter university contest of a variety of sports from Frisbee to American Football played for bragging rights. In terms of the students and courses, no. Each university offers a different experience and a difference range of courses. Students have to make the decision about where to go and what to do based on their needs and requirements. This may be from where they want to live; do they want to join a Quiddich Team or Pirate Society (university is not just about study!) or do they want a course with exams or coursework as the assessment?

What about dessert?
The Family Supper events are followed in Year 11 by the Future Proofing events at NTU and by classroom interventions with the University of Nottingham and NTU. Future Proofing looks at decision making around Post-16 options to ensure that students are making themselves HE ready. More information about these events will be posted on the blog in due course.

To read part one, click here.

Author(s): Natasha Neale
Edited by: Siba Munsanje

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