Tin soldier

Peter Rumney and a team of second year Theatre Design
students, working alongside pupils from Mellers Primary School, put together a
play for 8-9 year olds as a part of Art And Design Outreach. The play itself was
tailored for the young audience, and lasted for only 30 minutes – the intention
of the team was to take the audience on a journey through the ‘life’ of a
single broken toy soldier.
Why is it important?
What’s the importance of outreach to the students?

The Theatre
Design Students involved in the ‘Tin Solder’ project explained the impact their
involvement had on them. Nikki Charlesworth said; ‘It really helped me to
understand how to work with children,’ and Ge Hatton went on to explain
that ‘The project was important in helping to understand how my work as a
designer can be translated into the real world’. Shelley Poole added ‘What
I realised was that adults can underestimate just how much children understand
about the world and complex things, like their emotions.”’
The play was engaging for the children and also helped in establishing
a connection between the schools and University. Furthermore it allowed a
chance for the students on the Theatre Design course a real-life insight into
theatre work.
Tin Soldier is part of an established annual schedule of
collaborative performances and the first in a line of outreach work for this
year, with plans for Year 3 Theatre Design students to create their own show
developed for an even younger children (and potential NTU students) in
April with the support of NTU Outreach.
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