Students in Classrooms

NTU Students in Classrooms – gain practical experience with our rewarding opportunities to work in local schools and colleges

Want to get involved in a rewarding scheme but  can't drop that part time job?
If this applies to you why not think about applying for one of our Students in Classrooms schemes!
NTU Students in Classrooms offer a range of opportunities to work with young people in local schools, colleges and here at the University.
There are three schemes:

Associates work alongside classroom teachers in:
  •    Primary schools
  •  Secondary schools
  •   Colleges

The aim of the Associates scheme is to provide positive role models and help to raise aspirations and attainment. Associates work with groups of learners, or on a one to one basis supporting pupils with things such as literacy activities or reading.
Associates may also get the opportunity to assist with some non-teaching aspects such as planning and preparation of lessons.

Mentors work on a one-to-one basis with students between the ages of 13 - 17 providing advice and guidance on:

  • Routes into higher education
  • Revision & exam technique
  • Planning & self-management skills
  • Motivation, self-confidence and much more.

The scheme has an overall aim to help to increase attainment levels and raise aspirations towards higher education. This is a good way to engage personally with students and know you're providing a service that may change lives.

Nottingham Trent University delivers a wide range of activities and events working in schools and colleges, as well as engaging parents, carers and members of the general public.
Ambassadors get involved with:

  • Raising awareness of post 16 opportunities and NTU
  • Supporting our outreach team with classroom activities out in schools and colleges
  • Helping at events such as University Open days & subject taster days
Overall, being a Student Ambassador involves spreading information and acting as a positive role model for the University. Students in Classrooms are looking for enthusiastic students who are proactive and will be fully committed to the scheme they apply for.

To find out more about each scheme, the commitment involved and the rates of pay, please visit:
Please note that interested students must attend an awareness raising meeting to be eligible to apply. The meetings will be taking place across all three NTU campuses at the start of the next term, dates are available on the Students in Classrooms website.

If you have any questions, please contact

Mentoring Student Profiles

Mentor Student Profile

Student Associate Profile

FAQ's For Parents

University, your child’s big step - have you ever wondered what you can do to help them along the way?

When thinking about what you can do when they are preparing to go off to university, parents often tell us that they fear the unknown and even start to feel a little redundant! However, there is lots of support that parents and carers can offer their child throughout the process, and help make it a successful and stress-free experience.

Supporting the application process
The first step on the way is making sure you check through their personal statement. You can play a big part in helping them with this by:

Checking spelling and grammar
Reminding them of their past achievements that are relevant to their application
 Encouraging them to apply before the deadline

 Know the deadlines – the earlier they apply the better chance they have For 2016 applications, the UCAS administrative fee is £12 for a single choice or £23 for multiple courses or applications that are submitted after 30 June.

Attend a number of open days before they make the application so they can find the course/university that is best for them.
 If they have any questions, encourage them to contact the universities directly if they need to.
Help prepare them for potential interviews, by holding a small Q&A session.
Be around for results day

Disabilities & access to Support Services
When applying it’s also a good idea to make sure your child discloses any information about specific learning requirements. This covers all physical and mental disabilities from a need for wheelchair access to autism and learning conditions such as dyslexia.

Supporting the hunt for student accommodation
Parent and carers can often be a lot of help when it comes to securing suitable student accommodation. Some tips you might find especially useful are:

·  You usually apply for accommodation once an offer has been made
·  You will need to finalise accommodation details in August after received your results
· You can pay a deposit to secure accommodation at NTU from March if NTU is their firm choice, if not then accommodation must be booked within clearing.

Quick tips on helping smooth the transition
When you get to send off waving off your child isn’t the only thing you can do. You can guide them with your experience on many important aspects.

Money – help them plan a budget for the year & set up a student bank account.
Accommodation â€“ Room confirmed, when can they pick up their keys?
Term dates – When does Welcome Week start? When is the first day of term?
Preparation work – Do they have any work to complete before their course begins?                     
Contacts list – Make a list of useful contact numbers
TV Licence
Parking permit?
Documentation â€“ driving licence, National Insurance Number, NHS medical card, insurance documents, TV licence, passport, support notification, any information you've been sent by the SLC (Student Loans Company) or Student Finance Direct, paying-in book and bank details.

One last piece of advice:
It can be easy to dismiss Welcome Week as an optional extra, but we encourage new students to make the most of the opportunity. Welcome Week activities play a big part in soothing the transition to new surroundings and successfully finding their feet in a brand new routine. We hope you will soon be hearing about some interesting new hobbies!

Finally it’s important to support your child through their time within university and be by their side as although they may be growing up they’ll always need a helping hand.