If someone was asked to envisage a university student, most
of us would picture a privileged but inexperienced 18 year old, fresh out of
A-Levels… As a result, a number of myths have grown around higher education
(HE) which are putting many people off finding out more about HE study, causing
them then to miss out on the many benefits it might offer them! Here are just 3
common examples:
‘Higher education is
just for 18 year olds’: The reality is that universities have always had a
significant proportion of more ‘adult’ learners making up their student
population. Large numbers of students balance full, or part-time work alongside
study, have partners and/or children, and even careers already in place which
they are either looking to boost through increased skills and qualifications,
or to move into a completely new area. Other students have simply decided to
take a break from learning before re-visiting the idea at a later stage.
University courses are there to benefit people at ANY age.